Friday, March 15, 2013

My Cell Phone is Only Ten Bucks a Year...

Yes, $10 a year. Today I went to T-Mobile (Military Highway across from Janaf, for you local folks) and had a pleasant visit with my phone lady. Yep, we sort of got caught up with what's been going on with us over the past year...and she got my phone set up for another year.
OK. My phone is what I call my emergency phone. I leave it in my car in case I ever need road service or what-have-you. The only cell phones I've ever bought are the ones that I think are referred to as throw away phones. You know, the ones that you buy time for.
Anyway, I always start out with good intentions but normally forget to go back until I run over a year and have to start over. I think I paid $100 the first time, which included a phone and 1,000 minutes. As I best understand it, as long as I go back within a year, and spend as little as ten bucks...hey, my phone will go on forever (whatever forever means in the phone business).
Anyway, this year, I made it in time. I think the ten bucks bought me another 100 minutes and I think I had almost a thousand. In fact, my phone lady said I only used six minutes over the last year.
Anyway folks, unshackle yourselves from your no telling how much a month cell phones. Do you really need to go around with a phone jammed to your ear for most of the day? Are you really so important that you have to be available 24 hours a day? Do you know what you look like when you're pounding out those text things?
As an aside, bet you folks don't even know what a party line is (or was). In the fifties, in fact, it may have been my family's first phone, yes, we had a party line. Several families had the same phone line. Yes, each family had a different ring. For instance, if there was two long rings it would be for my family. Two short rings, another family. And, yes, we could all listen to each others' conversations. And, you guys have to have a cell phone at the ready 24/7?
Yes, I like and use a lot of the modern-day technology, and wow, truly like the advances in medicine, but there's something to be said for the good old days.

Folks, yes, cut the tether, disconnect yourself from the cell-phone umbilical cord, free yourself. Rush into T-Mobile, and yell that you want to be free. Tell them you want George's Ten Dollar A Year Phone!

December 2012

1 comment:

  1. That is very few minutes.... I've always pegged you as a person with not much to say. ;)
